Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
lagu cute...
kau tak berubah
slalu saja kau simpan
katakanlah yang sebenarnya
diriku tau bila kau kini tak ingin bersamaku
mengapa kau harus berdusta
yang kuinginkan…
yang kuharapkan…
bila memang berakhir akhirilah saja
bila memang kau pergi lupakanlah aku
bila memang berakhir akhirilah semua
lupakanlah saja aku
diriku tahu engkau bertahan agar ku tak kecewa
mengapa kau harus berdusta
yang kuinginkan…
yang kuharapkan…
bila memang berakhir akhirilah saja
bila memang kau pergi lupakanlah aku
bila memang berakhir akhirilah semua
lupakanlah saja aku
Kau katakan cinta gunakan akal
Bila aku gunakan, kau yang menyangkal
Bagaimana nak kekal
Kau katakan cinta gunakan minda
Bila aku gunakan, kau yang tak percaya
Bagaimana nak bahagia
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu
Tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Dan aku cuba sedaya upaya
Telah ku usaha dengan sepenuh jiwa
Bagaimana hendak ku lupa
bayangan wajahmu selalu di depan mata
harum baumu masih dapat ku hidu
Bagaimana ingin aku membencimu
Jikalau setiap hari merindu
Sekiranya derita merinduimu itu sebenarnya bahagia..
Aku pilih derita..
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Mungkinkah esok atau lusa walau biarpun lama
Akan ku biar tiada ku tetap kan setia
Entah bila akan tiba sampai jua harimu yang sama
Esok seperti semalaman yang tak berubah
(Ulang) (2x)
Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
Seandainya kau berada di depan mata
Mudah untuk aku berkata-kata
Supaya dapatku melihat seraut wajahmu
Walaupun belum tentu kau mahu bertemu
Apalagi memandangku
Setelah ku turutkan segala kemahuan kau mainkan perasaan
Begitu mudah kau ucapkan terimalah saja kenyataan..
Aku masih terkilan
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Jika kau dapat memahami hati seorang perindu
Baru kau tahu derita hatiku
Jika suatu hari nanti giliran kau merindu
Baru kau ingat derita diriku
Segala yang berlaku bukan kemahuanku
Apa gunanya bahgia
Jikalau bahagia bersamamu hanyalah untuk sementara waktu
Aku pilih derita merinduimu
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
List Down of My Resolutions...
AZAM 2009:
1) Nak abeh study master....(tick...tercapai)
2) Nak kurus...hurm aku ingt bile pressure aku akn x lalu mkn n kurus...mlg
sebaliknye berlaku...aku gemoks weh...(so anggap azam ne x tercapai akal lngsg)
3) Nak publish paper for journal....hum partially done...ngah tggu result...
4) Nak cr calon utk wat husband...mlg bg aku ssh utk aku jumpe...aku pnh berangan
time konvo at least aku da ade tunang...huhu...(BELUM TERCAPAI)
5) Nak cr keje tetap n best...(hurm x dpt aku bersyukur aku x nganggur)
so....azam yg x tercapai tu aku forward kan ke taun depan...taun 2010...semoga membawa tuah pada aku...taun 2009 sebenarnya taun air mata aku...tahun kedukaan...semuanya x menjadi...menangis term of career pon x dek...apetah lagi in relationship...hope taun depan merubah segalanya...sabar la wahai ELYA MASYA...
AZAM 2010.
1) Nak kurus, cantik....(kene usaha n da start pon skang neh)
2) Nak cari keje...kene usha kuat...hope dpt la pe yg aku nak...yg pntg aku dpt tlg M
MAK aku n matlamat utama aku bila dapat keje...hope dipermudahkan...
3) Taun ni aku yg aku ckp kt ats...aku nk org tersayang ade ngan aku ms
grad...selain parent aku...hurm...aku x tau pe cr yg efektif utk azam aku yg
nih x pe...aku berdoa supaya ditemukan jodoh yg terbaik utk aku...
4) Hope da dpt keje tetap...aku nk built up career n kumpul harta...hurm until now?
i have nothing...
5) Aku rase makin umur aku meningkat aku jd makin lagha...ujian wat aku...aku nk
kembali menjadi hambanya yang bertaqwa...aku lalai selama ni...
YA ALLAH permudahkan hambamu ni dalam usaha untuk mencapai azam2 ni...AMIN
Monday, November 23, 2009
Dia...seorang yg sgt penyabar ngan sume perangai aku...
Dia...seorang yg x pnh berkira...mengungkit...
Dia...yg sgt menyayangi aku...
Dia jg org yg aku syg...
Tp...ntah la...bkn ditakdir utk bersama...
Akan aku doakan dia tabah mengharungi segala dugaan cabaran idup ini...
Semoga menemui perempuan yg lbey baik dr aku...
Semoga engkau bahagia n menemui jalan yg terbaik utk dr sendiri...keluarga n bersama org yg tersayang...
Sungguh aku terpaksa melakukan benda nih walopun aku tau dia sgt terluka...Aku pon merasai kesakitannya...
Ya Allah...tabahkan lah hati hambamu berdua ini...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Slamat Berpuasa Sumer!!!
skang aku bersyukur...after submit thesis...1 bln nganggur...sementara tggu viva prof offer aku keje as RA...even though as a temporary...aku bersyukur least aku ada income n dpt merasa pengalaman bekerja...aku rs cam agk best coz aku sblum ni blum pnh keje...aku rs da pnt blaja...biar la keje most of intvw i went...they ask me 2 pursue study ASAP...aiyo...aku nk rest...lg 1 umr da tua...aku nye prancangn idop nk establish career as well complete my life wif sumthing benda agak2?hurm skang dua2 pon blum achieve...xpe...bersabar, berusaha n berdoa smga dpt kerja yg best ...yg pntng aku nye niat nk tlg family 1st...dlm ms yg same hurmmmmm kene la cr calon...
aku rasa cam agk tersasar je niat aku ni...keh2 sblm makin mengarut better aku akhiri ngan SELAMAT BERPUASA KEH...(skema nye entry aku kali nih)))
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tensen bila tau org yg rpt ngan kite upenye x suke kite...
siyes aku da penat...pnt jd terlalu baik ngan org...asik aku je yg tekena...bukan br kenal da smalam aku pe maknenye kebaikan yg aku wat kt dia?means nothing kan???trase x dhargai...bkn memintan tp ntahla...bkn stakat rs x rs cam org BODOH...coz ngan aku sume org ingt aku baik ngan dia...blakang hanya Allah yg tau...start now on...hurm mls da aku nk rapat ngan sape2...sume pun setara je...its hurt noe!!!
skang ni my best fwen ever ---->>HUSNA IZA..
iza ....aku sedey weh...ko plak jauh kt sawak...huhu ry kite ronggeng same2 ek...
br aku sedar sebenarnya aku x dek ramai kawan...
btul2 sdey!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
jalan-jalan bakar lemak!!!
sampai2 FRIM kiteorg parking kt dlm n byr RM4 utk keta and RM1 per person...masuk parking kt tmpt yg agaks best then kteowang bekfast smtara tunggu kwn len smpai...bekpes ape???hurm mcD thru kt sg besi...konon tkt lapar la last2 mkn harsh brown je...burger...ermmmm simpan dulu...ahaks smpt lg mkn mcD sblum memulakan aktiviti yg sgt lasak ini...cewahhhh...then suma da ade kitorg trus g kaunter penerangan... byr tiket sume...actually 4 adult tket dia mengenangkan kami sume student...maka dpt la student price kami memulakan perjalanan melalui ROVER track...ok la...4 da 1st 300m still la agak betenaga...jalan pon ok je...lepas tu mula la start cerun dia...perghhh bley tahan gak nk angkat kaki ...agaks pancit la...seb baik mnum kopi jantansss...hehe acah jer....
haha bout 5oom then...nengok muke ILI...ahaks lawaks gile...i hurmm still control cun kt dlm utan oke....
hahaha...1km da...mase ni aku plak yg muke pancits...ili ok plak...haha kecoh weh utan tu kami kejekan...
otw nk g canopy tu is about 1km away from entrance rover track...spnjng perjalanan x dek jumpe la yg menarik sgt...unggas rimba ka hapa jumpe la cendawan cumelll ni...aku mandang kulat ni tebayang fusarium aku...
then jln sket lg...jeng3...da smpai...spnjg perjalanan kami...ramai org yg beriadah jog n cycling tau...byk geng2 veteran...aku respek diorg...maintain je n baik je...selisih je tgur...da tua2 still mantop...kami 4 ekor hurmmm slamat...2 la da lame x xcercise kan!!!!
ok kite akn memulakan perjalanan melalui canopy walkway wehh ha kan td ckp x jd mkn berger kan???seb baik x mkn pown...goyang2 walkway tu...rase luga perut...seb baik x muntah...kalo x naye je org bwh...free2 ujn...ahaks...
agaknye la kan sume binatang lr la dgr kiteorg memecah keheningan sunyi kt dlm utan tu...haha anyway ni la gmbr canopy tu...cantik kan...gune camera besa da pic quite limited ler...x le secantik slr camera...papepon credit 2 ili yg rajin amek gmbr spnjng perjlnan kami...
keh ni plak gmbr all of us da smpi kt platform...max load 4 person...kame la tuhh
ni lg sekor nates yg jumpe ms otw balik...ulat gonggok...besar oke!!!tp sblum ni png nengok yg lg besar so aku ilek je nengok ngan tnpa perasaan...
ha yg ni plak cendawan...sp. ape aku x sure...ala2 gano la kalo keras je aku sng je trus classify as gano...sblum ni nengok national geo je how da spore spread to the air...ari tu life oke!!!nmpak asp2 dia ikut rythm denyutan jntung...huh indah ciptaan ALLAH
so cantik kan sume pic ni...hope nex time ade lg la aktiviti cam ni...tentibe jd pencinta alam plaks...
ape pon kami sgt berpuas ati ngan exercise yg dilakukan...ade la rase ringan kejap...haha pastu balik g mkn ...lapor wehhh...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Dugaan spnjg di UPM...
deepavali 2007--> handbeg ilang kt sogo beserta tdg...dis is my 1st time kuar without tdung...
(botak la pale ko pencuri pakai tdg haku...)
(dlm hbeg ade: hset, purse n sgala mcm lagi la...kunci umah pon ade gak...)
kopak duit aku wat ic, lesen, report polis, atm card, credit card n sim card...
december 2008--> mengenangkan ltop utk presentation progress report cant support my forma
ppt slaid so aku request pakai ltop sendiri...then pali nk psng kt projector
sudden ltop aku terpdm...format la plak...melayang rm 300 coz kuarkan
hardisk...urgent so masuk kan hardisk baru...
5 dec 2008 akn aku ingt smpi bila2...umah kene pecah masuk...seb baik ltop
aku x kene rembat...barang ilang???? hurm hset wat kali ke2, also external
hardisk yg aku br kuarkan dr ltop tuh....sume thesis aku ilg...mampos ko
even ltop aku slamat disamping aku...mlgnye ltop aku rosak ...motherboard
tebakar...hurm...memag sadis
11 jun 2009--> supposed 2 be 2 day is the happiest day...submit thesis selepas bebulan berjuang
akhirnya setel...but...hurm again dugaan yg disebabkan kecuaian aku senirik...
aku tertinggal beg kt GSO...dtg balik da external hardisk inside...
so then calculate how many kerugian yg aku tggg spnjg kt UPM ni...belum kire makian n cacian yg berbakul aku trima dr supervisor aku...huhuhu
yessssss take it as a motivation...bukan senang nk senng...may be ni kesusahan yg aku kene lalui sblum nk sng...tppp alhamdulillah setiap mende yg berlaku ade hikmah kan???
motivation song...
I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
The struggles I’m facing,
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
The pain I’m knowing
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about
It’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tolong Haku....boringgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Elya just took the "What is Your Love Character?" quiz and the result is The Self-Less Lover.
You love truly, madly, deeply …selflessly … With every fibre of your being Your love is intense but does not necessarily need to be reciprocated You are saving yourself for someone special When in love …your love knows no boundaries There is nothing that you won’t do for your special person And that person will respect other people’s feelings In the same way that you do You never compromise your love honesty and integrity Or the enormous loving and nurturing qualities you have. You always have time for others. When it comes to matters of love You freely give insight and guidance to others And deliver the message of true love You will recognise your soul-mate from the first kiss. However you do not give your real kisses freely just to anyone You will use romance to create the right atmosphere But not in a manipulative way… your aim is true. You will never play games with people’s feeling For you, true romance is found in the eyes of your lover. When you do find the one you seek. You will need no one else in your life. When you love, your love is legendary. Others are envious of your strength and ability to give. Your love is often discussed, admired and held up as inspiration for others.
(haha bley ke cam ni?)
Elya just took the "What Is Your Dream Wedding" quiz and the result is Classic.
Your dream wedding would be very romantic. It would be in a historic place in the afternoon or at night. There would be people everywhere. May be even a few strangers. It would most likly be very expensive but so worth it!

bley x pakai bj ni ms wedding?ngeeeee
Elya just took the "Which Celebrity Are You?" quiz and the result is Your Taylor Swift!.
Your A Very Creative, Laidback And you do NOT! care what people think about you as a person

(aku pon rase aku cam taylor swift)
Elya just took the "What Kind of a Romantic Are You?" quiz and the result is Friendly Romantic.
You are one of those kinds of people who can be great friends with your lover but at the same time have something really sweet going on. You may enjoy your sweet time with them and it doesnt have to matter where you are and what your doing as long as you both are having a good time spending it with each other. Try not to get caught up in the moment (even if you believe that you aren't getting caught up in it, trust me you may) becareful you don't push things to fast. Everything should work out in the end ;)
Elya just took the "How smart are you in Math?" quiz and the result is Excellent!!!.
Wow!! You master mathematics with your intelligent mind! I declare you Mr. Einstine!

(x kire...kalo tunang x dpt yg ni nikah mesti kene dpt gakzzzzzzz)
Elya just took the "Ketahui watak Wonder Pets anda" quiz and the result is Turtle Tuck.
urtle Tuck (4 tahun) berperanan sebagai jantung dan hati kumpulan ini. Seorang (seekor) yang sensitif dan mempunyai pertalian yang kuat dengan semua benda hidup. Tuck suka menerima dan menawarkan pelukannya. Dalam Wonder Pets!, dia mungkin yang paling perlahan tetapi dia ada kemahiran lain – seperti berenang dengan bagus dan penglihatan yang tajam – yang menjadikannya ahli yang sangat berguna. Dia selalu mendapat pujian "Bagus pengamatan awak, Tuck," daripada rakan-rakannya.
(ape yg pnting? kerjasama!!!!)
nanti ade lg aku post
Sunday, May 10, 2009
9 may 2009
haha aku pon x pnh la imagine seorg lelaki yg akn wat confession n reveal all the things (yg bley dianggap rahsia peribadinya) kat aku smbil gentel2 bantal bucuk n tutup muke ngan bantal bucuk dia tuh...seb baik x busuk mane pon...usung la nek keta dia tu...haha...wujud lg ke laki cam tu? chomell je kan...ala aku lg hebat pe../angkut cimut busuk naik flight lg...1 mesia da x? kalo dia bau aku nye cimut busuk...mau tdo 100hari...pening la dia...haha nasib la wahai kaum adm sape2 yg dpt aku sbg suri dlm idup diorg...bertahan la ngan cimut bucuk aku ni...
ermmm cam ape je kan...umr da nk 25...prangai cam budak2....xpe....asl aku trima la aku seadanya...yoyo o je ayt kan...ntah la...20hb ni aku da 25...once da cecah 25...akan berlalu sgt pantas utk cecah 30...aiyooo 2 yg seram tu...ape achievement aku?ermmm x dek benda yg boleh dibanggakan stakat ni... hah ade satu....aku makin debab...huh x termasuk dlm senarai azam aku...
april yg mencabar!!!
skang struggle siapkan thesis yg x siap2 ni...aku tensen...pastu submit thesis then viva...bebas idupku dr cengkaman prof...huhuhu...then survive di alm nyata utk cr keje...adoyaiiiii...parah2...mintak2 dimurahkan rezki...amin...
pasni bulan 5...yeah bln kelahiran aku...ntah pe plak yg akan berlaku...wait n see
Monday, April 20, 2009
lame siut x nulehhhh....
skang kat lab...ngantuk ni ne nk truskan writing...huh...ntah nk jd ngan aku...aku pon x tau....ermmm last week merupakan mggu yg penuh cbrn n dugaan ...aku terlibt dlm kemalangan...pergh skema alhamdulillah sgt2 masih pnjg nyawa aku ni...Allah bg peluang ni...baik insaf masya...xdek pape pon berlaku....even sedikit calar pon...sian kt driver...abeh clr tgn dia aku cakar...tindakan luar kawal...aku sendiri pon x sdr ngan tindakan aku tu...yg pntg bukan cakaran ghimau....hehehe
hmm 1st time dlm idup aku...pengalaman...x sian kt si driver tuh...bley thn ar kete dia remuk...simpati betul...hmm ni la namenye kalo nk compare ngan org yg lag truk dugaan dia...kite ptt syukur la...cewah da mcm tazkirah pon ade aku ni...
herm ni hal adik aku plak....sian x dpt kalo ikt aku ngan mak aku lg bgs dia x dpt...biar la dia g UPU trus...tkt jd cam aku...kene lelong x pasal2 je...xpe aku n mak aku doakan dia dpt la tpt yg lg best dr matrik tu...
pe lg aku nk merepek ni idea
smbg keje....
next time plak...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
mari belajar bhse banjar....
1.Ambin - Beranda
2.Atang - Dapur kayu
3.Arai - Ketawa
4.Ancap - Cepat
5.Bemamai - Berleter
6.Baal - Lembab
7.Betakun - Bertanya
8.Beampik - Bertepuk
9.Cangkal - Tabah
10.Cuntan - Curi
11.Dudi - Kemudian
12.Gadur - Tempayan
13.Gisang - Gonyoh
14.Guring - Tidur
15.Gelinanan - Terlalu geli
16.Geringitan - Terlalu geram
17.Hiut - Sedut
18.Hirang - Hitam
19.Higga - Tepi
20.Habang - Merah
21.Handayang - Pelepah kelapa
22.Harat - Lawa
23.Ilat - Lidah
24.Ikup - Peluk
25.Ilan - Terjaga dari tidur
26.Ilah - Macam
27.Japai - Pegang
28.Jahai - hancur berderai
29.Julung - Beri
30.Juhut - Tarik
31.Jugut - Rambut yang panjang
32.Kulir - Malas
33.Kurup - Malap
34.Kumpa - Pam
35.Kustila - Betik
36.Kekuar - Galah buluh
37.Kaur - Rabun
38.Kuciak - Menjerit
39.Kina - Akan
40.Ladangan - Main pondok-pondok
41.Lawas - Sudah lama
42.Lonta - Jala
43.Lumbus - Tembus
44.Lincip - Tajam
45.Licak - Selut tanah berair
46.Longkang - Tingkap
47.Ludus - Jalan yang lendat dilalui
48.Muha - Muka
49.Maling - Pencuri
50.Marista - Menderita
51.Melacong - Melompat
52.Mahirip - Hampir sama / serupa
53.Meindap - Mengintai
54.Mehiwar - Harum semerbak
55.Ngaran - Nama
56.Pandiran - Ruangan bercakap
57.Pamalik - Sesuatu yang tak baik
58.Pasung - Ikat
59.Peruna - Lawa / cantik
60.Perudan - Penyagat kelapa
61.Rakai - Rosak
62.Rami - Seronok
63.Ranai - Duduk diam
64.Setumat - Sekejap
65.Singkai - Selak
66.Sambat - kata/mengatakan sesuatu
67.Tungkaran - Halaman rumah
68.Tambuk - Telur ayam yang busuk
69.Tambai - Diubati
70.Tiring / Niring - Lihat
71.Tuntung - Tamat / selesai
72.Tawing - dinding
73.Takuriheng - Tersenyum
74.Ungul - Bodoh
75.Ungah - Mengada-ngada
77.Upal - Sering dikatakan
78.Warik - Monyet
79.Waton - Bendul rumah
80.Wagas - Sihat
81.Waling - Ditakog semasa menebang pokok
82.Wahini - Sekarang ini
83.Wanik - Berani
ayuhak pang blaja besurah banjar...haha ni je yg aku tau...stakat pekataan aku phm la...wat ayt...faul...syg btul...abh aku pnh ckp
'syg je x tau ckp banjar...da la tu ckp n9 pon x reti gaks...'
ermmm mmg nk wat cam ne...mmg x dpek nk nolong...huk2
Monday, March 30, 2009
dream car....

yuhu.....aku ngantuk gile kt lab neh...da la sejuk2 je...dap tido...mate da ngantuk da....slaid presentation aku hampeh x siap nk jd ngan aku neh...wat ever pong ari ni kene siap gaks...sok bley pektis...n bujet soklan pe la yg demo2 ni nk nanye...
dlm ngantok2 ni aku pon merayau kt website honda...hahah aku gile honda city skang ni...gile abeh...sume pkt tau aku mnt gile kt kete tuh...sape nk adiah honda city kt aku angkat tgn cepat!!!!!

aku minat nengok lmpu blakang dia cam ala2 bmw je... cer nengok kt gmbor tu...same kan...nk bli bmw x mmpu...ala sng cite honda pon blm tntu...kete skang neh pon aku jnuh p.k lepas abeh schola ni sape nk byr kalo x keje lg...parah...
smart je kete nih...ari tu ms OTW blik kg aku bley keja 1 kete honda city ni...hehe kasi potong sket...skali mmt ensem da yg bwk...ngehehe pastu aku slow down balik kasi honda 2 ptg...pastu aku keja balik...gatal x aku...ala x heran pon kt mmt tu...aku nk honda dia tu...huhuhu

tp x salah kan kalo ade impian cam least aku akn berusaha utk dptkan gaks...ish senyap2 x bley bg keta aku dgr....kang kecik ati keta aku tu...byk jase kete tu...x akan ku jual keto tu....da la cumell je....sng nk parking n mencelah plak tu....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
lelaki pojaan ati ku...ngehehe
ha aku nk share sket da biggest fan of :

1) aku minat gile ngan mamat neh....semenjak nengok cite gud luck aku jatuh ati kt dia...jd pilot plak toh...ngehehe
ni la Takuya Kimura cumel je kan...

2) ha ni lg sekor...korang sure x kenal nye...dia ni DJ merangkap
penyanyi n pelakon...aku bkn pe...minat dia coz cumel gaks...yg
penting org kek jopun nu ha panggey dia MASYA...same ngan name aku kan
so tadaaaaa ni Masaharu Fukuyama

ha kalo korean artist plaks...mmg suke kt mmt ni...
start bjinak2 minat kt mmt ne lps nengok cite full house...cute je...
nengok cite 2 bjuta kali pon ok je...haha taksub aku...dia mnari pon
best sngt...kalo x silap aku dia ni sblum ni atlet n pnh
g aku x tau la sukan pe...
name mmt ni RAIN...kalo name korea dia btul aku x tau...pyh nk ingt name artis korea neh...

bukan sbb ade six pack, bukan sebb sume muscle yg dia suke gigi dia....*ting... aku rase gigi dia sgt putih n sparkling...hehehe

ha 1 kepelikan yg ade kt diri aku ne...slalunye aku akan minat org g lbey krg je feature dia...cube nengok fahrin n the rock...lbey kurg same version malaysia ar...aku mnt gile kt dia tp ari tu dia ngan linda o** trus aku x mnt...bile dia hv no relationship ngan minah tu aku sgt suka...muahaha...gigi dia pon aku suke ade la cam the rock sket...hehe jaw dia, kening dia...haha gile aku...
sekadar minat je mmt2 kalo dpt yg cam ni best gaks...ahakssss... gatal...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
jln2 nengok nates...
sabtu last week ...aku ngan agakz gumbira nye g la ke zoo negara ...melawat bnatang2 kt sane...lg pon aku bujet ngan nengok diorg ni aku akn ceria la...
haha ok la...ceria la aku ari tu...jd cam bdk2 jap...last aku g zoo ms aku drjah 2...taun 1992...lame ntah bile plak nk g...rase2 time bwk ank plak la kot...muahaha...
sonok pon ade cdey pon ade gak nengok bntg2 ni...yg cdey nye...x sume dpt sponser...ade yg dpt sponser plak smpi 2-3...ghimau ngan singe dia mmg ramping gile...pandai cr publisiti plak tu...pergghhh x agak2...g kt tpt yg ade ramai org je...gajah dia pon same...dah dilatih kot....haha
smbil meround amek gmbr n nengok gelagat budak2....x cam dulu...zaman aku dulu kalo da name nengok binatang tu nengok je la...senyap je...bdk skang ni...siap tanye itu ini...payah gak nk best la nengok bdk2 cam tu...develop their mind...
seb baik camera aku x dpt record bau skali...pergh...menusuk kalbu tu...sume tpt la aku jelajah...bley dikatekan terbakar gak la calory 1 tpt je x masuk....tpt ular...pnt la pjuk aku nk g sane ek...haha jawapan nye bolayan...kuang3
Monday, March 16, 2009
Balik Kg...ngehehe
best balik kg ari tu....standard la...bila aku blik kg...kiteorg mkn kt luar (bkn mmg mkn kt luar slalu ke)...mkn besar doh...x hengat nye yg pasti bukan ikan BAWAL...perh x mo den sejarah berulang lg...haha...
sabtu mak dpt bonus...mak ckp :
"ari sbtu kite shopping"
pergh ayt best tu...x ckp pon mmg aku suke shopping pe...hehe...bli la baju sket...pastu aku pon saje je bwk mak g the store (ni la shopping complex paling hebat kt aku sgt berbangga)...skali dia jumpe hbeg yg lg aku pon kasi pujuk smpi dia terbeli...alang2 da sale kan...half price...amek je la...yg best tu ayt mak aku pe kt sale girl tu?
"ok saya amek 1"
x teragak2 mak aku nk bli 10 plak ayat dia...aku ngan adik aku da gelak2 da...hehe jht kiteorg xpe la adik aku dpt 3 psg bj tu...ala persiapan kot2 dia dpt g mane2 kan...
ahad plak...memenuhkan perut aku ngan aroh pengantin...2 kenduri tu...1 knduri kt kg aku le...classmate ms sek ren...da kawen ko boboy...tahniah...g kejap je...x smpat nengok pengantin pon...pastu bekejar plak g kenduri kawen anak kwn mak la mak aku ...jumpe classmate dia plak....xpe kasi pluang...
aku kire beruntung coz 2 kenduri tu x dek sekor pon nanye bab aku nk kawen bile...slamat seh...haha lepas zohor pe lg....start kete ...drift balik serdang...trus ke glashouse...then kebabooommmmmmmm...
Monday, March 9, 2009
shopping time----:)
mula2 g jln TAR borong tdung kat mak cam cun plak tdg tu...tgh p.k nk bg ke x?...jht nye anak....niat nk bg bg je la kan...pehal tamak plak....
lepas tu g lg...mkn seround n jeng3...aku wat operasi yg paling best n layan gile time shopping...iaitu...korek mengorek2 baju yg kt bakul2 tuh...layan sian kt pekeja dia...penat lipat aku bukak balik...bukan aku sorang wat aktiviti ni...ILA pon same tau...
hasilnye....hahaha dpt 2 tshirt yg murah regenye...best2....x sia2 korek mengorek baju2 itu
kerja gile...
naik ats utk mkn mc chicken smate...plek tp benar....balik lepas kt tasik titiwangsa plaks...huh jht sungguh dirasekan diri ni...ececeh...x lame pastu bulikan gik..
bulikan pastu guringan...tdo kene cukup coz soknye nk shopping kt jln TAR...tdo x cukup akan mengganggu konsentrasi bershopping...
mengenangkan dr pg x aku pon request la nk mkn nasi yg berlaukkn g la s.alm...makan kt amin thai...punye la ngidam ngan ikan tahap cipan...maka aku pon order ngan penuh condifent...agak cept la service dia...stakat ni aku sgt berpuas ati la....pekerja dia pon ramah...wakaka puji lbey2 plak...
10 min kemudian...ns n yg lain sume da smpai kecuali ikan....aku pon sgt teruja smpai lupe nk pesan...ikan tu saiz kecik je da la...bukan nak mentekedarah ...juz nk lepas ngidam je...selang 10 min lg...perghhhh ikan da sampai...besar nk makan 5 org nye...ha lupe nk bg tau...order ikan bawal 3 rase...hehe aku pun mkn ngan rakusnye...lapar seh...x bley tahan...sedap tu....
bedua mengerjakan ikan tu...smpi licin...yg wat ikan tu jd seksi nmpk tulang sape lg kalo bukan aku...yg sekor lg lg siap mintak ns tambah...xpe...coz ikn pon byk agi...hahaha mkn smpi licin....da licin tu kiteorg pon rest ar smbil tersandar...kekenyangan...serius buruk gile rupe aku smbil bersila ats kusi...pedulik hape aku...asl aku bahagia...ngeehehe...
pas byr kiteorg pon balik ar umah...konon nk merendek la lg...ha lupe sume rege mkn tu reasonable la...x mhl sgt...keh smbg blik...on da way blik kiteorg 2 ekor ngantuk tahap cipan...haha...aku x pnh ngantuk sebegini rupe...mate x bley ditahan2 lg...yg c driver da ckp x thn ngantuk da...aku pon ngantuk gak....mmg x bley drive la....padahal br je smpai tol s.alam...tahap cipan betul...truskan pemanduan gak n slamat smpi umah...aku msuk umh trus tido...yg sekor lg tido dlm ar ne bley bwk masuk umah...nk mampos....tido la ko kt dlm kete...da la x solat isya lg mase tu...bgn2 kul 5.30pg...solat isya kul 5.30 tu...mmg aku gile...lepas solat tido balik ....konon nk tunggu suboh la ni...siap tdo ats sejadah....bukak2 mate kul 8.30...adoihhhh terbabas lg...
pastu kuar nengok kot2 yg tdo dlm kete tu da blik umah...skali br bgn tdo da...ha elok la dua2 ekor...haha pastu aku kuar amek kunci kete aku...ngan selamba yg sekor tu ckp..
perghhh ayt x thn...bley plak ek...ikan bwl plak salah...kite yg mkn x hengat .....cian ikan...
moral of the story mkn jgn ikut nfsu....hahah
Friday, February 27, 2009
mali kalaoke besama masya....
love story--taylor swift
We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello;
Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.'"
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'"
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Romeo save me - they're tryin' to tell me how to feel;
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story - baby just say "Yes.'"
I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever comin' around.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town,
And I said,
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in thy head? I don't know what to think-"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
"Marry me, Juliet - you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad - go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
Oh, oh.
We were both young when I first saw you...
sape la mr romeo aku nanti hah?huhuhu
Monday, February 23, 2009
release tensen at C.highlandsss
yuhuuu....come again wif new entry...
last week....i went 2 a cute vacation...ala release tensen....keje bnyk sgt on da spot bley plak wat decision g hot spring kt sungai klah tu...agk best coz x pnh g sane...tpt best...bersih...pekerja ramah...agaknye ramai sbb x dek org...aku n da geng je bekubang jd ikan paus...muahaha...mula2 terjun hot spring...agak2 da sparuh msk...masuk plak kolam air gunung...pergh...layan sehh....
da puas berendam....pastu grak plak g cameron highlands...ikt tapah plak tu kan...lg best...scenary dia....cantik banget...seb baik la den ni slalu naik C.H time2 practical x de masalah nk muntah ke hape ke...hehe....
da sampai rest dulu...then...mlm kuar mkn...ala dok kt hotel bujet destinasi bujet nu ha...haha...2molo nye plak kiteorg g mardi...tpt aku practical dulu...best2...masuj free...dgn bantuan angah...jumpe plak ngan cik ani....lepas rindu dendam...yg x best dgr nye plak...diorg x cam aku...bila ckp batch ngan si sampuk sume pakat ingt...lg best x cam sbb aku da debab...muahaha...balik mardi dpt berplastik2 angah....bila la lg dpt g lg...da abeh round C.H kiteorg pon trun ikt simpg pulai...hurmmm...bermula la detik yg agk x best....ala besa la cite mlayu...bley agak nye la pe yg x pe malas nk cite
patutnye vacation ni enjoy n hv jd sbaliknye...mlm tu kwn matrix msg...ajk kuar...dsbbkan aku tensen ngan pe yg berlaku maka aku pon wat keje gile...aku g mlake wehhh....padahal bdn da pnt gile....sampai mlake bersama teman tp mesra aku...kasi round seround....pastu aku g mane tau? makan kt umbai...layan gile...makan x hingat dunia nye x nye ikan sbesar2...sotong pon bsr gile...2 ekor je pon....da kenyang grak balik...
grak balik aku yg drive...mase 2 da kol 10 lbey...ade ati nk g midnight lg tu...mmg dsbbkan x kiteorg g uptown kt cheras je....x beli pape...lepaks2 je...balik anta dayah ke ampang...sblm tu konon nk nengok maknyah...gatal sgt...kasi round seround g b.bintang....then trus balik....smpai umah kol bape? hurmmmmm 3.30pg....16jm merendekssss....bestttttttttttttt
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
99% suit wif my character...coincidence may b...
-slim moderately tall woman (x slim pon)
-funny n jolly person
-square facial bone structure, high cheek bone
-round big eyes spark wif wit n curiosity
-u’ll nt see many round faces Taurus women, n mainly she will hv strong jaw line (bulat je muka aku)
-constantly change person
-If she up sets, she will nt show it n will keep it 2 herself 4 a long time,n will remember them so well (sgt btl)
-If she gets really mad at u, u will suddenly become a totally n completely stranger 2 her (huh lg betul…)
-patient person, but always need new excitement
-hates long talk meeting, long n endless conversation (xcep gossiping)
-can be in love with u 2day, n 1 day she could act as if she has never loved u before (ermmm yeke?)
-patient wif wat she wants 2 do n will never give up until she gets there
-very persistent in what she is doing till she has reasons 4 stopping her project, then she will quit
-Money 4 Taurus woman is nt da most important factor in life (ya btul)
-She thinks of money as an instrument 4 assuring of a good living (sgt stuju)
-more satisfaction in achieving her goals than satisfaction in fine cloths n luxuries (errr yeke)
-If u like a woman who always thinks of love n romance ,then u r dating the wrong girl (cian aku)
-u can tell her stay at home, she likes to work n preferred nt work at home.
-loves animals n likes to surround by animals (muah meow3 …xcept snake)
-Love is in her head, Freedom is in her soul
- has her own idea about love n afraid to show her true feeling 4 fear of rejection (confidence level vr low la 2)
- nt the type 2 talk about love, bt she sure has a strange way 2 show it
- nt good in showing when she is in love, but if she loves u she will be honest to u than any other women (haha sape la yg betuah tu)
-She will be honest 2 her love one, but at the same time seems distant (hmmm)
-u will hv a good relationship with her, if u allow her freedom
-Dont force her 2 be with u in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to.
-She will be different than other girls, n she thinks different is 1 of her unique quality
-She is a public figure but belongs to no one
-She will nt stay with u, if she thinks u are not sincere
-She likes u to have personality, but better not to compete with her (btul lg)
-Loves her, but not too much for she afraid it will limiting her freedom
-She always stand out of the crowd for something she dares to do
-You could see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant, or dress like a nun in an a cocktail dress party (yeke…x kan kot)
-If u are a politician who are looking for a wife, she will make a good 1 because she is cleverly smart n she could get along socially wif any type of crowds
-not a jealous type because she has to know u thoroughly before accepting u in her life (smpi kdg2 org plek ngan aku)
- has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now u r flirting with someone else (2 sbb aku asik dpermainkan je)
-If u keep a distant from her, or go away 4 a few days, she will miss u more.
-Even when she is dating u, she also able to fond of someone else, if u dont have something she is looking for. (ha yg ni bahaye)
-She will never disappoint u or hide behind ur back to make you loose face, but she is the type who just going to tell u to ur face that " We're better off breaking up ". (lg dasat)
- always remember her first love. (sume org pon cam tu pe)
-Taurus woman holds the best record for divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, but every things should be done for "Happiness".(pergh menakutkan nye statement)
- has lots of friends n sure of herself, so u will hardly see she delays any of her thoughts before her action.
-If she think of something, she will go ahead n does it.
-She has many men wanting her 4 her constant changes is the challenge.
-She can be cute n funny, but suddenly cool n tough. (aku cam tu ke)
-She has her own style of dressing up, so u could see her dress like an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dress like she comes from Mars.
-She will hv that interesting hair, dress n a look unique from anyone else.
-She likes learn about ur dreams n ur thought.
-She has fun teasing u and making jokes. If she did something wrong, she won't hide it from u, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it.
-She hates to owe people money and take promise seriously. If u promise to pay her back, you'd better paid up.
-If u want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous or possessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about nonsense or small and insignificant matters.
-Try to likes her friends and let she has her privacy, then she can be very sweet to you.